🧉 Martin Tonight I'm hacking around with some socket programming. Haven't done any low level stuff in ages. So much fun!
🔻 Trinity Any good resources on it?
3y, 42w 7 replies
🧉 Martin Yeah, +1 for Beej's Guide in terms of a great intro to lots of the mechanics and protocol details. I was doing some NAT traversal stuff, and this was super helpful: bford.info/pub/net...
3y, 42w 4 replies
🔻 Trinity Nice, I've been learning C out of one of his guides!
3y, 42w 3 replies
🧉 Martin I did the same years back. Fun times! I have a funny coding story you might enjoy from back then - a real baptism by fire with C/socket programming. See if you can work out the problem before I reveal all in the end of the post :) martinrue.com/zzuy...
3y, 42w 2 replies
🔻 Trinity Haha, I did indeed figure it out before the end! Cool post.
3y, 42w 1 reply
🧉 Martin Haha, 1000 internet points to you, sir! I still owe him some sort of disproportionate revenge. I'll get the chance one day!
3y, 42w reply
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