Mark Dain If I were any good at electronics I'd build an enclosure for my iPhone with a tiny nuclear reactor so it's always got power
🦿 Lucian Marin Then die in two years from radiation exposure. This seems like the prefect plan.
8y, 29w 11 replies
Nkrs Unless he adds add tens of kilograms of lead shield to a 200g phone. Then he's safe.
8y, 29w 9 replies
Mark Dain Job done! No radiation now ! Your move...
8y, 29w 7 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin I would buy a solar panel case instead of you. It's way cheaper than a nuclear reactor.
8y, 29w 6 replies
Mark Dain How would that work? My phone is in my pocket or on a desk somewhere indoors almost all the time
8y, 29w 5 replies
Martijn To be fair, the phone has already had tens of kgs of lead added to it. It is probably neither in your pocket, nor on your desk at this point.
8y, 29w 4 replies
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Mark Dain If I were relying on solar power I wouldn't need a nuclear reactor and thus wouldn't need the shielding. Why is there no solution to this problem?! Although wireless charging comes kinda close...
8y, 28w reply
🦿 Lucian Marin It's in the Earth's orbit... it just become a satellite. I wonder how will use just a device.
8y, 28w 2 replies
Martijn "What, British Telecom is down again? Just ping my satellite if you need me, man!"
8y, 28w reply
Mark Dain Astronaut on the ISS; I'll go out in a space suit when I want to text someone. Ahh the joy of having a phone who's battery never runs out!
8y, 28w reply