💬 Subreply Introducing "live" avatars. Everyone will notice your new selfie instantly. This change will make Sublevel appear more alive.
Mark Dain What did you end up going for? I can't see as I'm on my phone. I'd probably have taken the SHA-1 and store that as the filename
8y, 31w 4 replies
Martijn {userid}-{year}{month}{day}-{hour}{minute}{second}-{6digits}, not sure where the last 6 digits are coming from though.
8y, 31w 3 replies
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🦿 Lucian Marin The last 6 digits are the microseconds of the date.
8y, 31w 2 replies
Martijn That seems like overkill. I don't think it is even possible to upload graphics that fast unless I would be in the actual data centre. On the other hand, it really doesn't matter much what you use as long as it busts the long cache times
8y, 31w 1 reply