Martijn I have an interesting dating conundrum: how do I make sure girls don't assume me to be gay?
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Marlow Check out other girls when she's not watching, but let her "catch you" a few times. She'll think you're a bit of a playa', but she won't think you're gay.
8y, 33w reply
😀 Tom No idea (and I certainly don't know you), but it could be your mannerisms, your tone/inflection, the way you carry yourself, or (less likely) the way you dress. Next time it happens, try politely apologizing (yes, even though you did nothing wrong) and try asking them.
8y, 33w reply
Nkrs Why would they assume that?
8y, 33w 1 reply
Martijn I am not 100% sure, if I knew I guess I could fix that.
8y, 33w reply