Martijn On the lookout again for web hosting, just missing too many configuration options at Binero for where I am as a web developer. No cron jobs, no configurable SSL certs, no longer acceptable imho.
Mark Dain Depends what you mean by web hosting? Nothing beats a quality VPS in my opinion. If you're going down that route, Linode is amazing
Martijn My only problem with VPS is that most I have seen cost more than what I am currently using on top of forcing me to learn how to manage email servers. I rather have my hosting provider sort that out.
John Olinda I use Chunkhost and have been very pleased. It only costs me $5 a month and has been very straightforward to manage. If I wanted to self-host my email I think I would just set up a second one using something like Mail in a Box to keep it as simple as possible.
9y, 3w 1 reply
Martijn Over at Chunkhost that sounds like a good possibility, though with most VPS I have seen the price is more like $10 a month and spinning up a secondary instance just to add email will just mean doubling costs. The hosting market really is weird, especially when you're looking within Europe/Sweden.
9y, 3w reply
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