☕ David Antoine Just found that Opera Mobile accepts the "return key event", if it's called like that... I can't post on Sublevel with others like Opera Mini, UC Browser and few others I've tested on my S60v5 phone. I will still continue to use Opera Mini for the rest though, the Mobile version is a resource hogh on my old Nokia...
Martijn I seem to recall issues with specific mobile browser set-ups some time ago. Basically, there is no middle-way: either your browser has no JavaScript and renders the INPUT element contained by NOSCRIPT, or your browser support all the JavaScript used by Sublevel for its TEXTAREA. If you end up somewhere in between (e.g. by blocking JavaScript through uBlock, like me) the website becomes unusable.
6y, 51w 4 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin The only solution is to have a submit button. Then design will have to get more complex and complicated.
6y, 51w 3 replies
Martijn I was thinking about detecting whether the keyboard events are supported by the user agent, and only if they are the JavaScript should enhance the form from an INPUT to a TEXTAREA. But so far I haven't found a way to do such detection yet
6y, 51w 2 replies
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☕ David Antoine At the risk of writing something stupid, what about a user setting in the profile options ? If someone sees its mobile browser doesn't support the keyboard events, not being able to post, he could just manually switch to the input method... No need of detection, just a "per user" basis. But probably not very elegant... :)
6y, 51w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin Actually that's an interesting idea. Instead of using conditions to enhancing the user experience with JavaScript, I'm relying on <noscript> tag which isn't a elegant solution either.
6y, 51w reply