Mark Dain define('AGE', 22); $birthdayWishes = 1; while ($birthdayWishes < AGE) { eatCake(); }
😀 Tom Don't gain back the weight you worked hard at losing! $birthdayWishes += 22; sendPresent();
7y, 19w 3 replies
Mark Dain Haha thanks! Although this year the cake seems to be a lie unless my family has something planned. Everyone's been very quiet (seriously I've only had 2 family members wish me happy birthday so far)
7y, 19w 2 replies
Martijn Was something secret planned?! Don't keep us in the dark...
7y, 19w 1 reply
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Mark Dain No, turns out most people just forgot, I've had people messaging me today with belated happy birthdays. I ended up going to my mum's house, she bought me a Texas themed belt buckle, which was legitimately an awesome present (very thoughtful)
7y, 19w reply