Mark Dain ancarda.blob.core.... SECRETARY WANTED. Minimum wage. Part time. No benefits. I'm apparently unable to handle the number of emails I receive these days. Experience with PGP ideal.
Martijn Send along your IMAP auth information and I'll start purging
7y, 21w 6 replies
😀 Tom Have you ever wanted to lead a minimalist lifestyle? Give me the keys to your home and I can make your dream come true :-)
7y, 21w 5 replies
Martijn I'm already leading it. All my belongings fit in two suitcases!
7y, 21w 4 replies
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Mark Dain How much stuff do you have? I was thinking of selling & throwing away most of my stuff until it fits into two suitcases and a backpack. I figure moving next year will be easier if I can just take everything on the plane.
7y, 21w 3 replies
Martijn That's how I moved, but it is a lot harder than it seems. I knew there would be a bed where I was going, so I did not move my covers or pillows. But now I have my own, and if I were to move back to Sweden I would either have to leave them behind or bring more package. If you are moving your computer, that is going to make things harder.
7y, 21w 2 replies