John Olinda Do any of you use GNUsocial?
Nkrs I remember trying it out while it was still called Now it looks radically different now compared to when I tried it, though, more like Facebook and less like Twitter. Is it any good?
7y, 32w 3 replies
John Olinda I'm not really sure. I signed up out of curiosity and haven't had too much time to explore yet. I'm just hoping to find some people on there that I know as "anchors" so I can branch out from there. Then again, I made several new friends signing up for Sublevel, and I didn't really know anyone on here at the time. Maybe that'll happen again? I feel like so few social networks really realize the vision of meeting new people. Sublevel's been my best experience with that, partly due to the IRC channel last year.
7y, 32w 2 replies
Martijn I still try to keep the IRC channel going. But it might have been a bit too big if a threshold to get people to jump in.
7y, 32w reply
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