Eric Constructive criticism please?
🦿 Lucian Marin Why don't you package the command line too? You run it using a relative path or you determine the path from inside the app.
7y, 34w 6 replies
Martijn librtlsdr is GPL licensed, so I don't think you are allowed to bundle, unless makes his application available under GPL as well. This is one of the reasons LGPL was created: LGPL licensed software may be used inside proprietary software without the "viral" spread of GPL.
7y, 34w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin That will hold true if had to change the program's code. But he's not doing that, he just bundles a binary. Lots of operating systems bundles GPL software.
7y, 34w 1 reply
Martijn i wonder how that works then. It might be the linking/bundling differentiation. Because I keep reading over and over that linking a GPL library (e.g. compiling into a .dll for your application) will make your application a derivative and you will have to ship it under GPL. This is where LGPL comes in and allows you to link to libraries without having to provide the code of your application. Also: GPL is all about distribution. If distributes the binary, he will also need to distribute at least its source some way.
7y, 34w reply
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