Mark Dain -- It's live! I only have 1 blog post up so far and my platform can't take comments just yet (but the DB structures are in place for it). But I finally have a website again.
🦿 Lucian Marin What database are you using? It seems slow to me. I get 600ms in Chrome's Network tab.
7y, 11w 3 replies
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Mark Dain I don't think it's the database (pages outside /blog never make DB calls). It's likely my hosting provider; for this website I was experimenting with who I'm not sure I'll carry on using. I may switch to Linode, especially now as they have a $5 plan. I'm not even sure what country the server is in... If you're finding pages in /blog to be slow, I'm using MariaDB 10 (fork of MySQL, I think the 5.5 version)
7y, 11w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin I'm just playing with MariaDB on localhost. I ported Sublevel's database from Postgres to MariaDB. The only thing fast about it is SELECT count(*), the rest of queries are twice as slow even with the same indexes. But I'm working on a new branch to cache notification counts directly on user table so I can keep using Postgres.
7y, 11w 1 reply