John Olinda That Surface Studio. Wow.
🦿 Lucian Marin I like the new Space Gray MacBook Pro more, that version without Touch Bar.
7y, 27w 6 replies
👽 Paul Webb What don't you like about the Touch Bar? I'm assuming you'd like a real ESC key.
7y, 26w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Mapping Caps Lock to ESC is easy with macOS. It's the fact that I use my laptop 80% in the dark. The Touch Bar can't be turned off, it only has automatic brightness with no manual control. Maybe the 2nd hardware version will be better.
7y, 26w 1 reply
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👽 Paul Webb Oh wow, that's quite the use case! Makes sense why you wouldn't want it. I wonder if Apple will ever push an update to modify the brightness in software (haven't read the docs so not sure if that's possible).
7y, 26w reply