Eric That best deals thing wasn't expected, this seems like something on my brand new computer. Possibly from Lenovo's pre-installed bloatware. So so so sorry if that script affected anything. It even made it's way into the download from JSbin.. I have removed it from JS Toast but will be keeping an eye out. See:
Dongsung Kim Hey Eric, I was just wondering, how did you upload the source code of CPU Toast to your server in the first place? Do you think there was a junkware that tampers with a local file, or something messed up in the transfer?
9y, 10w 2 replies
Eric I created it in Jsbin then download the file & uploaded it to cPanel without editing it inbetween.
9y, 10w 1 reply
Dongsung Kim That means it was also Superfish - the page is HTML after all, it must have been modified during the download. It makes perfect sense.
9y, 10w reply
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