🧐 Nrmn 250kb.club is now server-side rendered thanks to svelte-kit and my naive trust in highly experimental software.
🐢 Keb Curious; how large is the node_modules folder for a svelte-kit project? It looks awesome, but I've become more and more mindful of my harddrive space.
3y, 22w 3 replies
🤖 Seirdy pnpm can also save space, but yeah the dep hell is a very real thing in the JS landscape. (first comment!)
··· 3y, 22w 1 reply
🐢 Keb Tell me about it! As someone who starts a bunch of pet projects, the `node_modules` bloat on my harddrive gets out of hand quickly. I've started to use packagephobia.com more for my node.js projects and am always looking for smaller alternatives to large popular libraries.
3y, 21w reply
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