Adam Douglas This "digital nomad" stuff is all a bit too hip for me. I'm a bit of a loner at heart and I only own clothes and a Mac, but I can't say I feel a need to go globetrotting or living with *other* loners. This doesn't make sense to me. Airbnb seems like a useful thing but there are people who actually live in Airbnb leases without having a home of their own. Which is fine I suppose, but what kind of superstar do you have to be to just go dancing off around the world without the fear of not having work?
John Olinda Too bad we're not rich enough to wander aimlessly.
9y, 11w 3 replies
Adam Douglas Well this is the point, how are they this rich? Are they just born into exorbitant wealth or what?
9y, 11w 2 replies
John Olinda Know a guy in college --> work for his startup --> get acquired and cash out --> obnoxiously wander around with the latest iPhone and Retina MBP writing about minimalism from Malaysia. That's my theory.
9y, 11w 1 reply
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Adam Douglas That sounds about right. Yuck.
9y, 11w reply