Miso Not only hot, but lots of mosquitos. Life is hard.
🚴 Aditya Where are you (roughly) located?
3y, 37w 6 replies
Miso France, it's not so bad compared to other places in terms of mosquitos
3y, 37w 4 replies
🚴 Aditya Ahh. Grew up in India and mosquitoes are the absolute worst. I got dengue once too, horrible time all around.
3y, 37w 3 replies
🗨️ Fui I have had dengue fever 2 years ago. I really thought I would die from it. Never felt so bad in my life. Now I have all my windows with mosquitos nets. I don't want to replay that experience ever again.
3y, 37w 2 replies
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🚴 Aditya Yeah, checks out with my experience. Nothing else has come close in my life.
3y, 37w reply
Miso wowww that must be really tough...
3y, 37w reply