Mark Dain I'm working on a cloud platform but all the names I think of are taken. I liked Raindrop but the primary domain ( is taken. Any ideas for alternate names?
Eric Skyhook would be cool but I think Sky have a history of being overzealous with trademarks, so avoid anything Sky. "Cloud Hop" is all I can muster.
9y, 10w 3 replies
Martijn Also, Microsoft's SkyDrive was renamed OneDrive after BSkyB sued them (and the High Court rules again Microsoft).
9y, 10w 2 replies
Eric That was the case I was trying to remember! Single word copyrights give a bad smell.
9y, 10w 1 reply
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Martijn It's not really 'single word copyrights'. It's brand protection. It could be (and probably was in court) argued both companies operate within the same field, and thus the right to call a cloud service 'SkyDrive' lies with the company that is most commonly known by the 'Sky' name. Much like how Microsoft would have asked BSkyB not to call their cloud service LiveDrive. Overall these brand protection rules are pretty solid, no matter what you may think of over-bloated copyright law written by lobbyist.
9y, 10w reply