Mark Dain I keep hearing about Docker. Has anyone tried it? I think I'll play with it over the weekend. It looks really cool.
Eric The name of it will always be ridiculous to me, for nsfw reasons.
9y, 30w 6 replies
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Mark Dain This? -- I hadn't come across that before. Regardless, I still think it's a cool product.
9y, 30w 1 reply
Eric Yes that lol! People like strange things man.
9y, 30w reply
Simon Janes Thanks... for that image. I'm going to have to name a product "Wafflestomp." Yes, it'll be something on Microsoft Windows, why do you ask?
9y, 30w 3 replies
Eric I want to Google, but I'm at work, so I really won't.
9y, 30w 2 replies