Martijn is your site down?
Eric Nope, but it probably was; the hosting is awful (cheap tho). I need to change it all around and do something with it. Any ideas?
Mark Dain I can recommend both Linode ( and NFS (nearlyfreespeech.n...)
Eric It's more that I've very little to put on any place I perch, I've completely let my online content production drop off a cliff. I got a fair few projects but they're all half finished or half baked. Right now the website is just a sitting muesuem of 2 or 3 year old stuff.
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Mark Dain Yeah I haven't had an active website in years. I ended up just parking the domain; it's on my (massive) todo list to make a new website this year
8y, 5w 1 reply
😀 Tom When I was younger, I thought I would have a fancy site. Now, I don't care so much. It just has my name and two links: my LinkedIn profile and my Facebook profile. I use the domain for my email (first at last dot com). I'm not trying to sell creative services and I'm not a programmer (and thus showcase my work/skills), so simplicity it is.
8y, 5w reply