Zero Edge Since area codes are no longer optional (even if in the same area) does that mean it is incorrect to do area codes in parentheses now? (xxx) xxx-xxxx vs xxx-xxx-xxxx?
Diva My colleagues and I are attending a workshop tomorrow, Inshallah. We had to do a Myers-Briggs personality test ahead of the event. I'm an ISFJ ("The Defender") - which personality are you?!
🗨️ Fui I never took a test to find out my type. But I'm very weary of those psychological theories that put people into nice little boxes. Looks like astrology for sciency minded people. (Maybe I'm putting myself in a corner here, and someone can now say I'm an xxxx type for having precisely this opinion)
··· 3y, 37w 2 replies
Eric Two of my projects which depended on scraping third party sites have broken due to changes by those sites & I'm admittedly too lazy to fix them for the immediate future. What's the best way to put this in a GH readme without me looking like a huge ass?
Mark Dain Sounds like it could be raised as an issue on GitHub rather than on the README file? If you have to include a note perhaps put something like "Currently not working due to markup changes. Please see issue for more information and updates". That also lets people make a pull request to fix it as well! The issue should have more information if applicable, like a sample of the old and new HTML?
8y, 28w reply
Eric Rock looks like it has a face.
9y, 16w reply ¬