🦿 Lucian Marin Apple seems to have turned the Touch ID button into an OLED screen for iPhone 8 based on latest rumors (bgr.com/2017/05/16...). I really like this idea. An alway-on round screen would be useful for notifications, clock, fitness tracking or endless other functions.
☕ David Antoine The fingerprint scanner will eventually be placed on the back of the phone if they can't embed it under the screen... We will see, but I'm more curious about the next Apple watch, especially if it is capable of measuring blood sugar levels, according to some reports/rumors. This could be a big selling point as well as being very useful for diabetics I guess, if done right of course.
6y, 50w 8 replies
Lois i would just like an apple watch that i could use without an iphone. i don't mind talking to my wrist like a crazy person if i could stop carrying this phone everywhere
6y, 50w 3 replies
☕ David Antoine I think I have read somewhere that the next one could come with LTE connectivity but nothing sure...
6y, 50w 2 replies
Lois about time. where did you aee that?
6y, 49w 1 reply
☕ David Antoine Take it with a pinch of salt : "According to one source, 'there's so much more they can and intend to do with the Watch.' Much of this has to do with beefing up the capabilities of the Apple Watch when it comes to capturing and analyzing certain data related to the health of the wearer. That includes monitoring sleep. And Apple could give the Series 3 Apple Watch support for LTE connectivity." phonearena.com/new...
6y, 49w reply
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