Seth Kontny So what geographic locations does everyone using sub level reside. This is in no relation to politics.
Blauesee saarland, germany
7y, 31w reply
Blauesee Listened to all albums and tracks in my music library lately... What now?
7y, 33w 1 reply ¬
Haaktu I like Gorillaz. I usually play their tracks alongside Massive Attack, Morcheeba and Portishead.
7y, 33w reply
Haaktu When I was young and full of hope, I'd tweak the twerk out of my tools and configs. Now that I am old and full of $#!7, I go with the defaults. Less problems that way. And if ever there are, easy to find a solution.
Blauesee I like the idea of building up my own environment and broadly knowing what my computer actually does in background. But just more for the fun, than optimizing or security. Looking at my last efforts, I think I will become like you one day.
7y, 34w reply
John Olinda Yeah, the i3 spin is excellent. It's the one I wish I could use, but it doesn't quite fit my workflow. Manjaro i3 in particular really sets the bar for an i3 configuration.
Blauesee Good to hear. I'll try it out! ^^
7y, 34w reply
John Olinda To be honest, I just have settled on Manjaro for Arch installs. Since I don't use Arch on servers, I'll always end up installing certain applications and environments, and it just saves time to use Manjaro. Right now I'm using a pretty vanilla install of Manjaro XFCE to document the install process for Resilio Sync. Most of the documentation for it is very outdated and I'd like to contribute more accurate information. Of course, right around the time I finish, Syncthing will actually start being worth using 😂
Blauesee Actually, I'm considering using Arch for private everyday business. I already had it installed on my computer with openbox and a few minor scripts running in background (e-mail checking, changing wallpapers either on day-/nighttime, etc.). I began studying this year and needed a perfomant Windows installation for After Effects. But sure it's true, that permanently installing new packages and configurating them is a minus (I know, it's part of the philosophy) in Arch. Maybe I
7y, 34w 2 replies
Blauesee Reinstalling soon... What are your prefered setups (WM, partitioning, configs, packages) and why?
🏒 Lucian Marin is an Arch Linux fan. I think he's the one who can answer you.
John Olinda To be honest, I just have settled on Manjaro for Arch installs. Since I don't use Arch on servers, I'll always end up installing certain applications and environments, and it just saves time to use Manjaro. Right now I'm using a pretty vanilla install of Manjaro XFCE to document the install process for Resilio Sync. Most of the documentation for it is very outdated and I'd like to contribute more accurate information. Of course, right around the time I finish, Syncthing will actually start being worth using 😂
Haaktu When I was young and full of hope, I'd tweak the twerk out of my tools and configs. Now that I am old and full of $#!7, I go with the defaults. Less problems that way. And if ever there are, easy to find a solution.
7y, 34w 1 reply