🦿 Lucian Marin Switched Sublime Text 3 to dev channel (sublimetext.com/3dev). Now I'm getting daily updates. Nice to see this picking up speed again!
Mark Dain Must be nice. I get an update for vim maybe once a year? I'm just waiting for neovim to get good enough to start using, right now it seems a little buggy.
9y, 12w 3 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin I can't stand vim, I use nano most of the times. Sometimes I rather use fish shell instead of pressing control-R in bash. I try to avoid repetitive keyboard presses as much as possible.
9y, 12w 2 replies
Mark Dain What's repetitive about vim? I do love fish shell as well but it seems to cause some issues with certain shell scripts.
9y, 12w 1 reply
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🦿 Lucian Marin Three keys: escape and shift-semicolon.
9y, 12w reply