🦿 Lucian Marin Switched Sublime Text 3 to dev channel (sublimetext.com/3dev). Now I'm getting daily updates. Nice to see this picking up speed again!
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John Olinda Do you have a preferred markup beautifier? I used TextMate for a while and am waffling between Sublime Text and Atom because I need something that will work on both Mac and Windows. But I have yet to find a plugin for cleanup that I really like.
9y, 11w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin There's need for such thing in Sublime Text. You can select everything then Edit > Line > Reindent. You can also use Tag plugin for indenting all HTML tags. I don't use beautifier/prettifier plugins because they do more harm than good.
9y, 11w reply
Martijn I was never able to really get into it. Are you using any specific extensions to fit it to your needs?
9y, 11w 2 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin Yes, I detailed it in one of my blog posts (lucianmarin.com/ar...). I added Djaneiro and Jekyll to that list in the mean time.
9y, 11w reply
Adam Douglas Package Control, GitGutter, Tag, TrailingSpaces, SublimeLinter, SidebarEnhancements, LESS
9y, 11w reply
Mark Dain Must be nice. I get an update for vim maybe once a year? I'm just waiting for neovim to get good enough to start using, right now it seems a little buggy.
9y, 11w 3 replies
🦿 Lucian Marin I can't stand vim, I use nano most of the times. Sometimes I rather use fish shell instead of pressing control-R in bash. I try to avoid repetitive keyboard presses as much as possible.
9y, 11w 2 replies