Eric Stock Illuminator is all client side so you can just steal the code and hack a better version yourself :) Otherwise just being me over the improvements on here and I'll put them in the hosted version.
Mark Dain Do you have GitHub? Seems like a good place to host it and collate all the improvements people come up with.
9y, 23w 5 replies
Eric I should, but I don't. As an outsider it seems like so much effort, if they had a client for Snow Leopard I'd probably be using it but they don't so I cba to learn and do it. When I start my course (hopefully next year) I'll defo set one up.
9y, 23w 2 replies
Mark Dain Have you tried ? It's a lot of effort to learn Git initially but it's a valuable skill and it's saved me a few times at work (git bisect alone is worth using Git for).
9y, 23w 1 reply
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Eric I've tried a few things but I'll give that a go. I don't need Github for work at my current full time, so I've only personal gain and personal projects come second.
9y, 23w reply