Mark Dain My understanding of AmazonBasics was always cheap, reliable, trustworthy home office equipment; being that they started with cables, PC peripherals, shredders, etc... I have several of there things and can vouch it's good stuff. I just found out today they've been quietly expanding the range. You can now get an Amazon made Blender: Mattress: Kettle: Towels: I could go on... It seems Amazon is trying to not just sell everything to you but also make. I like it!
😀 Tom I can't fault Amazon, but apparently they find successful products and make a generic version of it, undercut it on the price, and take sales away from the original company. That's business, but it's kind of a crappy thing to do. news.ycombinator.c...
7y, 42w 5 replies
Mark Dain Amazon is building every day items like kettles and blenders where there's virtually no loyalty but a lot of competing products with varying levels of trust. I would always buy those items from Amazon as they are a brand I trust. To contrast, Amazon Basics also sells In-Ear headphones but I'd never buy those as I have brands I trust like Apple and Sennheiser I can turn to. Idk, maybe it's shady but I cannot fault their stuff; it's genuinely high quality and always comes with next day delivery, tracking and frustration free packaging; which I absolutely love.
7y, 42w 4 replies
Martijn Now I wish Amazon was local to me.
7y, 42w 3 replies
Mark Dain :( I searched for "Amazon Basics" but nothing came up. Perhaps they don't sell there. I know there's even more items on the US store than there is on the UK. Do you have Prime? At-least with that you can sometimes get next day delivery if you see the Prime logo. Also I like to look for "Frustration Free Packaging" in the description.
7y, 42w 2 replies
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Martijn Amazon NL basically only does Kindle and eBooks. If we want to order from Amazon it is always UK or DE (Germany) we have to go from. At that point it is often easier to find a Dutch local shop instead.
7y, 42w 1 reply
Mark Dain That's a shame. When I move out (properly - my place in the UK never quite felt like a home to me) I want to furnish the place with stuff from IKEA and AmazonBasics. It's all high quality stuff. Shame you probably won't be able to partake in Prime Day on Tuesday. I'm still jealous of Amazon in the USA; they have *same day* delivery for some items/places and they also have these Amazon Dash Buttons where you can click a button and it'll automatically order an item. Crazy stuff.
7y, 42w reply