🦿 Lucian Marin I preferred macOS over MacOS and 12 over 10.12 -- I got half of my wishes from Apple. I will wait for the public beta and install it right away. My only other wish is that Siri for Mac to have a textual interface so they can get rid of Spotlight.
Mark Dain Why on earth do you want to get rid of Spotlight?
7y, 46w 3 replies
😀 Tom That's the search textbox on iPhone right? When I used an iPhone, I wish I could have gotten rid of it. I never used it, and when I pressed the home button, I didn't want it popping up.
7y, 46w 1 reply
Mark Dain That's Spotlight on iOS. It's a lot more capable and usable on macOS. It's part of my daily workflow as I use it to launch apps, do quick calculations and find files. If Apple removed Spotlight I'd never be able to update. Then again, they removed the fucking off switch for GateKeeper so anything's possible now I suppose. Apple clearly doesn't care about users anymore.
7y, 46w reply
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