Zero Edge There is a huge host of people out there who think their race is superior to your race. They think given equal circumstance. Equal upbringing. On average their race will always perform better than your race. Because of this they find it necessary to pander to your race because according to them your race is inferior to their race. According to them your race is incapable of accomplishments without their race. "White Savior Complex". It's racism and if you call them out on it they will call you the racist instead. Manipulators gonna manipulate. Watch out!
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☕ David Antoine "According to them your race is incapable of accomplishments without their race." You basically defined colonialism, more or less... Thanks. And yes, racism is an integral part of it . Total intolerance and visceral revulsion for any ethnicity other than the one of the colonizer. The word racism in itself is pretty stupid _btw_, there is only one human race, Homo Sapiens... Frenchies in colonized Algeria did have a pretty acute complex of superiority... Let's just say the White / WASP colonialist handbook is now very well stuffed with horrendous psychotic acts. White washing it is the recurrent manipulation.