😀 Tom How to be an Adult: Step 1 - Accept the uncertainty of life.
Mark Dain Hmm... I meet people who are in their late 30s who still haven't figured out what they want to do. Do you think this is inevitable? I'd like to spend my 20s traveling and trying to figure out what I want from life. Would that help? Right now I don't know a lot about myself.
7y, 26w 1 reply
😀 Tom A fool thinks himself to be wise man. A wise man knows himself to be a fool. With age comes wisdom, but not everyone's picture is always complete. That is where accepting life's uncertainty comes into play. Some people think they understand their world and when they finally realize they don't, they have a mid-life crisis. Some people keep putting off thinking about their life's meaning until some trigger, then they have a mid-life crisis. It's not inevitable, but it's extremely common, and will probably only become more so as technology distracts us more and more. Continued here: sublevel.net/re/22992
7y, 25w reply
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