Simon Janes Although today, I'm starting to run into a critical bug that freezes the intelligence of fish while editing command lines.
6y, 48w 2 replies ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin Maybe the bug is in your terminal emulator? Fish works a bit differently if it's started from bash. Also, a bad config can also cause problems. I use fish as a git client. For everything else I use bash.
6y, 47w 1 reply
Simon Janes I didn't think I'd switch from zsh to fish but there it is.
6y, 48w reply ¬
Mark Dain Apparently I'm something like 10,000 in line to join -- seems like this week's hot new social network. Here's to freedom of speech & no censorship! It'll probably fizzle out though like Ello did
Simon Janes tells me nothing of where they're incorporated and how exactly they're going to guarantee no censorship; that usually is a challenge for the Internet to overcome.
7y, 21w 1 reply
🦿 Lucian Marin These are the newest apps and they target only 64-bit iPhones. Blink Shell is a terminal emulator with SSH and Mosh support. It costs $20 and it's also open source. Both apps (and Sublevel) can be built with Xcode and run on your iPhone.
Simon Janes Mosh is magical stuff. It would be nice if more protocols were resilient like it.
7y, 21w 1 reply
Martijn Not sure how this applies to Soylent people. I have never looked at food replacements for dieting, and don't need to lose any weight. I want it to give me 100% of my needed nutrition just so I don't need anything else.
Simon Janes I look at it this way, if you give your body 100% stable nutrition day-in-day-out you leave yourself vulnerable and unprepared for crisis-situations when you can't eat.This idea is in-between actual fasting and non-fasting states, but intended for life-extension.
7y, 24w reply
Simon Janes Soylent people (couldn't resist) might like to know about
7y, 24w 2 replies ¬
Martijn Not sure how this applies to Soylent people. I have never looked at food replacements for dieting, and don't need to lose any weight. I want it to give me 100% of my needed nutrition just so I don't need anything else.
7y, 24w 1 reply
Simon Janes's ceremony design for destroying a private key:
7y, 24w 2 replies ¬
😀 Tom Are you a holder of Zcash?
6y, 48w 1 reply
Simon Janes The Soylent problem makes me wonder if this isn't some kind of mass-hysteria that is being fanned by the media/internet. But other people have theories that Soylent has an effect on your gut-flora which might account for why only some people get sick and others don't. This stuff is complicated and the media is not especially fond of explaining things... that cuts down on the bottom line.
7y, 24w reply ¬
Martijn I would have loved using this:
Simon Janes is my current "good enough"--but not collaborative.
7y, 26w reply
Martijn "Quote unquote [something]" just feels wrong. "Quote [something] unquote" is so much better, and also more clear in case of words that could be taken together. Please fix your speech to please me, thank you.
Simon Janes I couldn't help but think `(,something) from Scheme but then I would be saying quasiquote unquote something end-quasiquote and that's probably much, much worse.
7y, 26w reply
Mark Dain So Wendy's burgers taste about as sketchy as the place looks which is saying something as there were flies everywhere when I went in. So I'm given my sandwich and drink, I say "thank you ma'am" and she just goes "yep". Far too much enthusiasm and will to live!
Simon Janes Franchise places like that are only good as the management and culture of those working there. There are good X and bad X everywhere. A nice big messy burger might be better from Five Guys
7y, 28w 1 reply
Seth Kontny Fuck I need to buy a new laptop. Cannot decide
Simon Janes Laptops are really hard to shop for, I feel your pain. If I had to buy one today, I would probably aim to get something like the
7y, 28w reply
Nkrs I've heard about it but haven't looked at the source code until now; it's not very friendly.
Simon Janes The documentation has been much better, but I think there's probably too much politics. Ordinary people aren't going to "program" their computers, they merely want to use them, and the Hoon/Nock languages are so alien that mainstream programmers are just going to throw up their arms and give up on them. The use of German digit grouping is probably useful enough to adopt for other systems.
7y, 28w reply
Simon Janes has done a lot to improve their documentation. Their code however still leaves a lot to be desired with vocabulary--you need a lot of background just to read what the canonical C implementation is doing exactly. The persistent use of single-letter and three-letter identifiers with little mnemonic meaning is guaranteed to require a lot of "reprogramming" of your mind.
7y, 28w 2 replies ¬
Nkrs I've heard about it but haven't looked at the source code until now; it's not very friendly.
7y, 28w 1 reply
Simon Janes Twitter has really lost its sense of community since 2007. No one's looking for things, but everyone's promoting everything.
7y, 28w 1 reply ¬
🦿 Lucian Marin I had no luck promoting Sublevel on Twitter, that bad... :)
7y, 28w reply
John Olinda I'll have to try that out later, I was just looking for a cross-platform editor and exporter.
Simon Janes ReText as a system also is appealing to me with side-by-side preview, but I don't know how readily available it is outside of Linux-ish systems.
7y, 29w 1 reply
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