Simon Janes has done a lot to improve their documentation. Their code however still leaves a lot to be desired with vocabulary--you need a lot of background just to read what the canonical C implementation is doing exactly. The persistent use of single-letter and three-letter identifiers with little mnemonic meaning is guaranteed to require a lot of "reprogramming" of your mind.
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Nkrs I've heard about it but haven't looked at the source code until now; it's not very friendly.
7y, 30w 1 reply
Simon Janes The documentation has been much better, but I think there's probably too much politics. Ordinary people aren't going to "program" their computers, they merely want to use them, and the Hoon/Nock languages are so alien that mainstream programmers are just going to throw up their arms and give up on them. The use of German digit grouping is probably useful enough to adopt for other systems.
7y, 30w reply