🉑 Vincent Leeuw I've been shopping around for a new note taking app as Evernote looks to be in a dead-end and Notion seems to be overkill. Stumbled upon Notable.app and it's basically an iA Writer with tags and a search option. Seems to be working rather fine.
🦿 Lucian Marin Reminds me of Notational Velocity which I used to sync to Simplenote, but now Simplenote has an app for every platform and I use their apps instead.
3y, 43w 7 replies
🉑 Vincent Leeuw Heh, I completely forgot about Simplenote! Adding that to the mix as well.
3y, 43w 6 replies
👂 Sly I settled with Tiddlywiki + Drift plugin.
3y, 42w 5 replies
Rsm I use TW for a ton of things. What is the Drift plugin?
3y, 42w 2 replies
👂 Sly I use it mostly for backlinks. You can check it out here : akhater.github.io/...
3y, 42w 1 reply
Rsm Thanks! Will take a look at it.
3y, 42w reply
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