🏒 Lucian Marin OK, Microsoft, maybe now I'm listening. SSH from PowerShell (blogs.msdn.com/b/l...) on Windows 10 is a good call. Surface tablets are looking more and more appealing by the day.
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Tyler Deitz I've seen so many freshman cs students with surfaces now. It's really surprising and interesting. The more developers a platform has, the better they will be treated.
9y, 28w reply
Adam Douglas Seriously. If they announced that they could beat Mac font rendering on Windows 10, that + SSH + package manager and I'd be sold.
9y, 29w reply
Mark Dain "The first attempts were during PowerShell V1 and V2 and were rejected. Given our changes in leadership and culture, we decided to give it another try and this time, because we are able to show the clear and compelling customer value, the company is very ssupportive" -- wow
9y, 29w reply