🏒 Lucian Marin Happy birthday, ! I guess you deserve a fresh new look. drbl.in/oxBT
Martijn Did you just swap the logo colours around as well, or did that change before?
9y, 21w 7 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin Yes, I change it to the white version. People seems to appreciate it more. It should reflect on your homescreen icon too.
9y, 21w 6 replies
Mark Dain Yeah I noticed this morning it turned white, it looks much nicer!
9y, 21w 4 replies
Martijn Did you have to do anything to trigger the update? Mine is still blue: i.imgur.com/Pg2OMF... (cc )
9y, 21w 3 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I renamed the icon file. This should trigger the update. Or you can try the old school reload: delete, clear cache, add it again. (cc: ) (ps: I really need an Android smartphone for testing).
9y, 21w 1 reply
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Mark Dain Yeah renaming is basically all you can do. There's nothing more persistent than favicons, not even some malware is that sticky
9y, 21w reply