John Olinda I have really enjoyed Bittorrent Sync, but the new pricing tier and limited folders has me looking at Syncthing much more seriously now. It wouldn't cost a lot to pay for Sync Pro, just that it sort of irritates me.
Mark Dain Sync is really awful software, I've lost so many files and everyone I know has had corrupt files / lost work using it. On top of that it's not open source (so no chance of writing a version that's not buggy as shit) and now they want to charge money for P2P functionality (e.g. Unlimited folders)? No way.
9y, 26w 2 replies
😷 Everett Have you used Owncloud? Not saying it isn't buggy or has the best UI, but it checks the open source/self-hosted box.
9y, 26w 1 reply
Mark Dain I have, it's what prompted me to start wiring my own cloud platform. I don't need to store files as such, but I'd like to move away from iCloud; calendar, contacts, reminders and such, they're all using CalDAV, CardDAV and such.
9y, 26w reply
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