Mark Dain I almost forgot about Sublevel, mostly as Subpush hasn't sent any notifications for about 5 days now. Should I just set the repo to private, I don't like the idea of having shoddy / broken code lying around, there's enough of that already.
John Olinda All ideas are shoddy and broken at the beginning, give it some time to percolate
9y, 35w 3 replies
Mark Dain It's not so much the idea but for some reason I get connection reset when I send to Pushover after Subpush has been running for a few days. It sort of dies and I can't figure out why. All that works is restarting Subpush.
9y, 35w 2 replies
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Dave Walk Are you logging in your app? If not maybe that would help you figure out what's happening.
9y, 35w 1 reply
Mark Dain I am, I'll put some of the logs online in a bit but it's just the underlying TCP error. Maybe you can spot something.
9y, 35w reply