John Olinda Thanksgiving dinner = success
Eric I'm jealous, living in the UK I've never experienced Thanksgiving.
10y, 3w 4 replies
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Mark Dain Neither have I. All my American friends were talking about it. As far as I can see the family just gets together and eats Turkey. Sounds nice.
10y, 3w reply
John Olinda I *love* living in Korea, but it was fun to have an American holiday. Although someone brought cheobab (I don't really know what to compare that to, and I am not sure that I've romanized it right either) and it was amazing. So mostly American. Calling our folks back home tomorrow for their Thanksgiving celebration, so that'll be fun.
10y, 3w 2 replies
Eric Are you from the U.S originally or have the Koreans adopted the holiday?
10y, 3w 1 reply