🉑 Vincent Leeuw Reading through S. It surprises me how much the book manages to build a 'creepy' atmosphere, even though the story is told within the margins of the 'real' story.
Bas What is S? I'm curious.
9y, 48w 4 replies
🉑 Vincent Leeuw It's a book by J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst. Within the slipcase you'll find a book called "Ship of Theseus" that looks like it's from the '50s. That book is a story about a character with amnesia. The interesting part comes from the two people reading the book and communicating with each other by writing in its margins. From time to time you'll also find postcards, photos and notes tucked between the pages. It's a bit similar in feel to House of Leaves, yet takes the idea to a whole new level.
9y, 48w 3 replies
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Eric That sounds amazing, many thanks!
9y, 48w 1 reply
Bas I got it! It's amazing. A somewhat confusing read though. It takes a little getting used to, like a book with many footnotes (ever read David Foster Wallace?) But the gorgeous packaging really encourages me to explore the content.
9y, 43w reply
Bas Nice. Thank you, I now know what birthday present to suggest. I never expected that coming from Sublevel.
9y, 48w reply