C4nn4r So far this place is looking pretty good, however, I am sceptical as to whether or not it will catch on with today's crowd as many people seem to have very little to no concentration, and seem incapable of reading more than 200 characters of text. I love the text-only look this place has going for it as well, it's incredibly refreshing, and unique.
Martijn To me the real question is more about how much of "today's crowd" Sublevel really wants to "catch". A lot of the blog posts I have read from people who are disappointed with where Twitter is going mention how the fun and tight community in its early days made it such a pleasant place on the internet. If has no plans of selling Sublevel or raising huge amounts of funding, why would he even want to attract millions of users? Why would we, the users, want to attract millions of users?
10y, 10w 6 replies
🏒 Lucian Marin I designed and built Sublevel with eight billions people in mind.
10y, 10w 3 replies
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🙄 Doug Belshaw For some reason, that reminds me of the start of Ender's Game. :-)
10y, 10w 1 reply
Eric Is that film worth the watch? Its been lurking in my Netflix suggestions
10y, 10w reply
Martijn I'm kinda afraid of what Sublevels constant shared discussions would turn into with 8 billion people going at it. I think the concept might break down, even if the site itself would have no problem with it.
10y, 10w reply