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Tamas Deme Well I'm really happy with my Lumia 1020 :)
10y, 13w 1 reply
Mark Myerson Yes, it's a brilliant camera. Going to try one soon, actually -- just not sure I can stand Windows Phone...
10y, 12w reply
Eric Those example photos of the screen in camera mode looked really noisy..
10y, 13w 1 reply
Mark Myerson True, but... [a] the lighting on the floor of a trade show isn't exactly optimal, [b] the screen will only be showing a simulated exposure, using a high ISO to show what the photo will look like, and [c] that is a photo of a photo on a screen. My point? Only real-world test shots will tell us anything ;)
10y, 13w reply
Simon Janes Wow. So many pixels. Could this be the secret to how we hold telecom providers to the fire for timely firmware updates for Android when the smart-phone's cameras are better than run-of-the-mill point-and-shoots?
10y, 13w 1 reply
Mark Myerson Many pixels, but far more importantly a 1" sensor, which dwarfs the iPhone's 1/3" offering. And the point you make is very valid -- the only reason the first generation of cameraphones died out was because the phone parts weren't doing their job.
10y, 13w reply