😀 Tom Yes! I got my bluetooth mouse to work in two different operating systems without having to re-pair them each time. Also, Windows 11 start menu is crap, but the rest of it is okay after a lot of heavy customization that 99.999% of people won't do, including using third party apps to fix the privacy stuff (hopefully) and a couple of other changes. Of course there are apps to change the start menu, but not sure if I want to bother with that since I don't plan on using Windows except for Photoshop and Word/Excel when I really have to.
2y, 40w 1 reply ¬
☕ David Antoine I haven't upgraded to Windows 11 yet, the upgrade process on Win 10 is broken, I'll probably have to recover it, then switch to 11. Or I'm just going to replace it with a Linux distro but I don't know which one and distro hoping, even in virtual machine, is not something I want to do anymore... If I finally end up with Windows 11 I will use a "privacy" app as well and surely replace the start menu... It is strange, maybe they should have merge it with their search functionality, would have made more sense....
2y, 40w reply
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