🏒 Lucian Marin It will be nice if Apple could scale M1 to other Macs: 2x M1 in MBP 16 and iMac, 4x and 8x M1 in Mac Pro. Maybe even a 2x M1 Mac mini.
👂 Sly Am i the only one who's not excited about this M1 chip? Ram is inside the chip, everything is hard soldered, you can't replace any component. I know it has been this way with macs lately but this time it's even worse. It seems to me that the sole purpose of those new chips is to make them more like iphones and ipads so that the only way to upgrade is to keep buying the newer models.
··· 3y, 48w 24 replies
🥝 Mr I really can't think of the last time that I upgraded ram in a computer that didn't involve upgrading the mobo or replacing the entire thing. If the M1 leads to better performance/watt i'm all for it. Apple is positioned to do everything that no other company could do because of "compatibility".
3y, 48w 14 replies
🖥️ Lesha That's not just about upgrading, you can't replace it either if it goes bad. I know that in Linux you can mark some of its parts as *bad* so that kernel won't use them, I don't know if that's possible with MacOS.
··· 3y, 46w 13 replies
🥝 Mr There are about 5,000 parts in a computer that you can't replace when they go bad without soldering / reworking. Many times apple will replace your computer for free even when it's out of warranty as long as you didn't damage it. Replaceable ram is mostly about upgrading, but apple computers just aren't upgradable anymore. It's a different approach, they want faster ram and thinner devices (and I do too). I have to swap the entire machine to upgrade - I'm cool with it.
3y, 46w 12 replies
👂 Sly If we can make components so fast and so thin, why don't we take the effort to make them modular? That's actually how the future is supposed to be, what's the point of progress if we all end up with thin and fast walled gardens that we don't even comprehend? I am just hoping that other chip makers won't go down that path and make wise choices for a better future and not just a faster and a thinner one.
··· 3y, 46w 9 replies
🥝 Mr modular in general = more complex, more expensive, larger, more heat. The future is not modular, the future is smaller, faster, cheaper, recyclable. Modular has nothing to do with it, it's an option. You can have both. Modular is only less expensive for incremental updates, it's actually more expensive in the long term.
3y, 46w 8 replies
👂 Sly Being modular actually takes the complexity away and puts it into different small parts, which makes it easy to understand, fix and develop, the idea that something modular is more expensive isn't true at all, PCs are way modular than macs for the third of the price, heat isn't really an issue either, you can cool down each part individually and have an overall better air flow. Also, being upgradable and repairable is much more better for the environment.
··· 3y, 46w 7 replies
🥝 Mr No software / hardware developer will agree with your points. If you don't care about the size of your device, are willing to utilize slow changing standards, and want to pick-and-choose parts - modular is good for you. But if you want a tightly coupled, focused product, modular is not going to fit the bill. It will be larger, there is waste in the manufacturing of boards that plug into other boards, and the heat can't be carefully managed for every different modular part.
3y, 46w 6 replies
👂 Sly Software doesn't have the same constraints as hardware, putting them into the same box is a big stretch, software was made to remove hardware constraints in the first place, all software is modular, either in its architecture (the OS, the Web...) or in it's composition (OOP and FP paradigms). As for hardware, whether it is a preference or not, we shouldn't sacrifice the right to repair for 2x times the speed, it is a bad compromise, welled gardens are hard to escape from.
··· 3y, 46w 5 replies
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🥝 Mr Right to repair is a different conversation IMO. All I said was I don't mind having the ram, gpu, and cpu in a single chip. If we had it your way, every computer would be the side of an ITX desktop because every chip would be on a separate PCB. I'm happy to have those computers available too - but when it comes to my laptop, I want it fast, lightweight, and long lasting. Find me a i7 windows PC with 20hr battery life and all ears.
3y, 45w 4 replies
👂 Sly A long lasting battery is doable with any modern ARM chip, with the advancement made in the recent years, batteries and CPU's are becoming more efficient, apple is ahead but others will follow, ARM is the future for small devices. Can i ask you why you want it faster? I mean, the best way to solve such an issue right now is to have a server somewhere (or build one) and delegate all power hungry stuff to it and worry less about having a faster laptop and a lasting battery!
··· 3y, 45w 3 replies