Cole Hudson It'd be nice if there was a way to leave a voicemail on another persons phone w/o ringing their phone. There's a level of interaction between sending an email, which is insufficiently personal, and calling someone, which is far too obtrusive, which I think would be great for modes of communication where voice is crucial. The broader category might be email for voice? Or asynchronous voice chat?
👉 LĂ©o This is actually very common in Brazil, where everyone uses WhatsApp (a Facebook app). You record your voice message on your end and it appears as a playable audio clip for whoever you sent it to. I'm not a fan, but it is the favorite mode of communication of a lot of people, including my extended family.
4y, 17w 2 replies
đŸ‘šđŸ»â€đŸ’» Moroni It's so common that Twitter is beta testing voice tweets in Brazil:
4y, 12w reply
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