Nick S. What is the best time of day? For me it is 11pm-3am. There' s something special about those hours.
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🤔 David 8am-11am is my most productive time. However, my favorite time of day (for now) is bedtime for the kids when we get to read together :)
4y, 13w reply
Anon T. I agree with you about 11-3 am those are the best hours
4y, 13w 2 replies
Nick S. It's one of those times when reality feels altered. Like when you walk out of a crowded theater.
4y, 13w 1 reply
Miso To me, things get in another dimension at midnight :)
4y, 14w 1 reply
🤔 David This is when a lot of interesting chats take place on some forums...
4y, 13w reply
🗨️ Fui 4-7am. Its already morning (where I live), but most people are still sleeping. I feel productive and focused, as there's little to no outside distractions. Besides, the rising sun makes me joyful and hopeful.
4y, 14w 1 reply
Sergiusz Absolutely. If I can (due to my "normal World schedule") I go to sleep at twilight and wake up at dawn, being the most productive till 9-10 am.
4y, 13w reply