🧐 Nrmn Are there any twtxt users here? (github.com/buckket...)
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💻 Kernel I cannot get it to work, getting a '''latin-1' codec can't encode character" error when I call twtxt.
··· 4y, 16w 5 replies
🧐 Nrmn Are you using Latin - 1 encoding instead of utf8? Is that a Linux? What is `echo $LANG` give you?
4y, 16w 4 replies
Miso It's on my list of things to try, but haven't had the chance yet. What do you think about it so far?
4y, 16w 3 replies
🧐 Nrmn I think it's the most elegant thing I've seen in a while.
4y, 16w 2 replies