Enny John What kind of music do you listen to? What genre?
Burensasub I listen to all kinds of music. Lately though, I have gotten into lofi hip hop and lofi jazz. I also really like music by Boards of Canada (their music is electronic/ambient)
4y, 18w 7 replies
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Adsr I'm only beginning to explore Boards of Canada. Love them so far! I really like Dayvan Cowboy and Chromakey Dreamcoat. Would love to hear your recommendations!
··· 4y, 18w 4 replies
Burensasub Dayvan Cowboy is one of my favorite BoC songs! I recommend the Hi Scores EP (especially "Everything You Do is a Balloon") and their Music Has the Right to Children album. Currently in the process of listening to their Geogaddi album for the first time so I'll have to get back to you on that one but many consider it their best work.
4y, 18w 1 reply
🧐 Nrmn BoC is fantastic. You might want to check out Yair Etziony as well.
4y, 18w 1 reply
Enny John I have never heard of Boards of Canada. I will be checking out their music to get a feel of their flow. Jazz is definitely a great choice especially when you working, but I've also never listened to lofi jazz. I have been listening to a lot of R&B and noticed the shift when compared with 90s.
4y, 18w 1 reply
Burensasub With Boards of Canada, you're in for a treat! (well, depending on your taste in music). Lofi jazz, or "Jazzhop" is basically jazzy music with a beat. It's very relaxing. 90s R&B was definitely different from what it is now
4y, 18w reply