Enny John What kind of music do you listen to? What genre?
Burensasub I listen to all kinds of music. Lately though, I have gotten into lofi hip hop and lofi jazz. I also really like music by Boards of Canada (their music is electronic/ambient)
Enny John I have never heard of Boards of Canada. I will be checking out their music to get a feel of their flow. Jazz is definitely a great choice especially when you working, but I've also never listened to lofi jazz. I have been listening to a lot of R&B and noticed the shift when compared with 90s.
4y, 9w 1 reply
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Burensasub With Boards of Canada, you're in for a treat! (well, depending on your taste in music). Lofi jazz, or "Jazzhop" is basically jazzy music with a beat. It's very relaxing. 90s R&B was definitely different from what it is now
4y, 9w reply