Diva How hot does it get where you live during the summer? We had a temperature of 36 degrees Celsius today, and let me tell you, we're just not used to that kind of heat here in London, UK!
🤔 David 37-42 degrees Celsius and sometimes higher is usual for summers in Bakersfield, California USA.
··· 4y, 11w 4 replies
🎲 Jamie Similar to our summers here in Melbourne! Though we just had a 17 degree day and it felt like spring had arrived -- hard to imagine how much warmer it'll get by the end of summer.
4y, 10w 2 replies
Diva Oh wow! How are you coping with the curfew? I hope you are safe and well.
4y, 10w 1 reply
🎲 Jamie Personally, doing fine -- playing more video games than ever! The main inconvenience I theoretically see would be buying food after 8pm, or forgetting something during my one allowed daily shop. I do have friends who I'm worried about though, who have had their workplaces or positions shut down due to the restrictions. And good luck to you as well, sounds like things are getting a little scary over there.
4y, 10w reply
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