👉 Léo This is a question that a colleague asked me a couple years ago, and it just keeps coming back to me. If one becomes informed about the damage that our meat consumption is causing on the planet, does it become immoral for one to consume meat? Say, if you watch a couple documentaries on Netflix and continue consuming meat, does that make you a bad person? I don't really have an answer. I think about it every time I eat a burger.
Yggqa No, we still need those proteins
🧿 Andrea Veggie burgers man, they come in hundreds of types and they're delicious, cheaper, pain free and easy to store in the freezer! (and you can still eat steaks now and then)
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🕴️ Matthew Townsend I'm looking forward to vat meat production colocated in cities, along with highly industrialized vertical farms.
4y, 6w reply
Yggqa Sapiens is omnivorous, it's part of our alimentation to eat meat, solutions are somewhere else
🧿 Andrea Sapiens is also earthly, a habitable planet is also part of our needs? Surely that beats splitting hair on where the proteins come from? What improvements to animal welfare do you advocate?
··· 4y, 6w 1 reply
👉 Léo Primates have very similar guts and eat mostly vegetables and fruits. Being omnivorous means that you can eat plant and/or meat. It doesn't mean that you must eat both. That said, I still eat meat. It tastes great! blogs.scientificam...