😏 Yt L. Why is subreply so positive compared to Twitter which is often negative? Is it purely like and retweet counts? Number of users?
Xy my hypothesis has always been that when the mainstream begins to flood a platform, it brings negativity and a lower quality of content. what makes the world interesting? it's the one-offs, the unique perspectives and the mavericks. some may call this the eternal september - en.wikipedia.org/w...
4y, 20w 2 replies
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🤔 David Good point. I enjoy the conversations we all have here that are untainted from likes, resharing, etc. Every post and comment has a direct link, cannot be taken out of context, and is driven purely by discussion.
··· 4y, 20w 1 reply
Diva I concur! It is so refreshing.
4y, 20w reply